Reading List

By Pete Giwojna

This living list is intended to provide a resource for finding recommended books, journals, and articles on Syngnathids. If you have a suggestion, please forward the appropriate information to Marc.



Hardcover/Softcover (Page Count)
Price (HC/SC)

Reason for Importance




TFH Publications, Inc.

Softcover Only (25 pages)
Approximately $1.50 (out of print, check used book exchanges like AB Exchange)

Very first guidebook on seahorses.

Keeping Seahorses

Robert P.L. Straughan

All Pet Books, Inc.

Softcover Only (25 pages)
Approximately $1.50 (out of print, check used book exchanges like AB Exchange)

Straughan's only book devoted to seahorses.

Sea Horses in Your Home

Mildred D. Bellomy

TFH Publications, Inc.

Softcover Only (64 pages)
Approximately $2.50 (out of print, check used book exchanges like AB Exchange)

First serious guidebook about seahorses.

Encyclopedia of Sea Horses

Mildred D. Bellomy

TFH Publications, Inc.

Hardcover (192 pages)
Approximately $7.00 (out of print, check used book exchanges like AB Exchange)

The first major work on seahorses in the US; although the nomenclature is outdated, this book is still worth searching out and reading.

A Step-by-Step Book About Seahorses

Peter Giwojna

TFH Publications, Inc.

Softcover or Hardcover (64 pages)
Approximately $3.50/$7.00 (out of print, check used book exchanges like AB Exchange)

First of the modern guidebooks about seahorses, it is geared very much for beginners and primarily useful for dwarf seahorses keepers; although now badly outdated, it's still a good read if you come across it at the library.

Reproductive Ecology of Seahorses

Amanda Claire Jane Vincent

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Softcover Only (101 pages)
Only a handful of copies were printed; unavailable at any price (OUT OF PRINT).

Amanda Vincent's Ph.D. thesis represents the first serious laboratory study on seahorses; extremely valuable for researchers, her thesis is filled with insights into the behavior of seahorses. The genesis of Project Seahorse can be traced back directly to this work.

Seahorses: Conservation and Care

Neil Garrick-Maidment

TFH Publications (Kingdom Books, UK)

Hardcover Only (101 pages)
Approximately $7.30

A comprehensive account of how to care for seahorses in the aquarium, which stresses the need for their conservation in the wild. Excellent coverage of European seahorses, but very limited information on other species.

Seahorses: an Identification Guide to the World's Species and their Conservation

Sara A. Lourie, Amanda C.J. Vincent, and Heather J. Hall

Project Seahorse

Softcover (spiral-bound) Only (214 pages)
Approximately $44

The first comprehensive guide to seahorse species world-wide. The heart of the book presents descriptions of each species supported by full illustrations, photographs, distribution maps and a pictorial key. Excellent identification key and introduction to meristic counts, morphometrics, taxonomy and classification. Unfortunately, there is no information at all on aquarium requirements, maintenance, feeding, breeding, rearing, or aquaculture.

The Complete Guide to Dwarf Seahorses in the Aquarium

Alisa Wagner Abbott

TFH Publications; (October 2003)


Hardcover (144 pages)
Price (HC/SC)
Listprice $17.95

Reason for Importance


Most recent revision: January 23, 2004

Copyright © 2004
Pete Giwonja &
All Rights Reserved

Seahorse fact: Many species around the world are considered to be on the edge of extinction and are highly protected.
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