
Tony McNeil


ASAP = As Soon As Possible
BBS = Baby Brine Shrimp
BS = Brine Shrimp
BTW = By The Way
CB = Captive Bred
FAQ = Frequently Asked Question
FYI = For Your Information
HOB = Hang On Back
HOT = Hang On Tank
LFS = Local Fish Store
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
LR = Live Rock
LS = Live Sand
SH = Sea Horse
WC = Wild Caught

Fish/Seahorse Related

AC = Activated Carbon
AGA = All-Glass Aquarium
AFM = Aquarium Fish Magazine
ALK = Alkalinity
BSD = Brine Shrimp Direct
BOD = Biological Oxygen Demand
CC = Crushed Coral
Cyano = Cyanobacteria
DI = Deionization
DIY = Do It Yourself
DSB = Deep Sand Bed
FAMA = Freshwater And Marine Aquarium Magazine
FC = Florida Collector
FFE = Flying Fish Express
FO = Fish Only
FOWLR = Fish Only With Live Rock
FW = Freshwater
GARF = Geothermal Aquaculture Foundation
GBD = Gas Bubble Disease
GPH = Gallons Per Hour
GPM = Gallons Per Minute
HO = High Output Fluorescent Light
IA = Inland Aquatics
IO = Instant Ocean
IPSF = Indo-Pacific Sea Farms
IR = Infrared
Kalk = Kalkwasser
LOA = Lights Of America
LPS = Large Polyp Stony (Scleractinian) Coral
LBS = Live Brine Shrimp
MDL = Marine Depot Live
MH = Metal Halide Lighting
MO = Mail Order
NO = Normal Output Fluorescent Light
NSW = Natural Seawater
OR = Ocean Rider
ORA = Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums
PC = Power Compact fluorescent light
PE = Pouch Emphysema
PE Mysis = Piscine Energetics Mysis
PH = Powerhead
PPM = Parts Per Million
PS = Protein Skimmer
PVC = Poly Vinyl Chloride
RO = Reverse Osmosis
RO/DI = Reverse Osmosis, followed by Deionization
SAS = South Australia Seahorses
SD = Southdown
SG = Specific Gravity
SPS = Small Polyp Stony (Scleractinian) Coral
SW = Saltwater/Seawater
TFC = Thin Film Composite, type of RO membrane
TDS = Total Dissolved Solids
TR = Tank Raised
TWP = Tap Water Purifier
UGF = Undergravel Filter
UV = Ultra Violet light
VHO = Very High Output Fluorescent Light
WC = Water Changes


AFK = Away From Keyboard
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
ATM = At The Moment
B4N = Bye For Now
BRB = Be Right Back
BS = Bull****
BTWQ = By The Way Question
DH = Dear Husband
DW = Dear Wife
FUBAR = ****** Up Beyond All Recognition
FWIW = For What It's Worth
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
HTH = Hope That Helps
IIRC =If I Recall Correctly
IME = In My Experience
IMHO = In My Humble/Honest Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
JME = Just My Experience
JMO = Just My Opinion
NP = No Problem
NPAG = Nose Pressed Against the Glass
OOT = Oops Off Topic
OTOH = On The Other Hand
PITA = Pain In The ***
ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor, Laughing My *** Off
SO = Significant Other
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TTYL = Talk To You Later
TY = Thank You
UNT = Until Next Time
WTF = What The ****?!
WTFWT = What The **** Was That!?
WTH = What The ****?!
YW = You’re Welcome

Most recent revision: 2003

Copyright © 2003–2004
Tony McNeil &
All Rights Reserved

Seahorse fact: Many seahorse species are considered to be on the edge of extinction and are protected.
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